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Collective Bargaining

As Labor Counsel for over twenty municipal employers across Massachusetts, we are seasoned experts in the collective bargaining process.  We pride ourselves on helping municipalities manage labor costs through efficient and effective collective bargaining.  We offer a comprehensive approach to managing in a unionized environment and our contract proposals are developed to work in conjunction with Management’s inherent managerial rights under G.L. c. 150E. 


Clfford & Kenny LLP Employment and Labor Law Collective Bargainig South Shore MA

Our experience includes multi-layered negotiations over issues such as furloughs, changes in health insurance, wages, hours and conditions of employment.  We also tailor our bargaining strategies for police and fire unions to put municipal employers in the best position should a union pursue interest arbitration through the Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC). 

To learn more about our Collective Bargaining practice, or any of our practice areas, please contact us.


31 Schoosett Street, Unit 405

Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359

Phone: (781) 924-5796

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